Reply To: Being in kollel vs working and learning – which is better? (and other questions)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Being in kollel vs working and learning – which is better? (and other questions) Reply To: Being in kollel vs working and learning – which is better? (and other questions)


ooh this is fun! thanks Newbee!

“Is kollel life the ideal or is working”

working, bedieved there are heteirm to not work in spite of all the sources saying to work

” and should kollel folks get community support?”


“Also, should Israeli bochrim be forced to serve in the army?”

Same as other Israleis.

“Why is there such a shidduch crisis?”

Becasue just getting people to date is such an eisek with refusal to even consider a shiduch based on the dumbest of resons

“Is modern orthodoxy problematic?”


“Why do people use labels like yeshivish,”

Becasue there are broad categories among Jews and there are differences between various groups that are well known.

“how accurate are labels anyway?”

Generally fairly acurate. (Though beleive it or not depending on how wide your labels are I’m labeled yeshivish)

“Is it wrong to have a very expensive chasuna?”

Only if the money was obtained illegally

“cholov yisroel- whats the deal?”

double scahr according to my Rebbe