Reply To: Is it wrong for bochurim not to learn all the time?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is it wrong for bochurim not to learn all the time? Reply To: Is it wrong for bochurim not to learn all the time?


SA -“In any case can someone just explain why then did Hashem give the mitzva o learn yomam velayla if people cant do it?”

Some have it easier than others, but that is what this world is all about -“Lfom Tzara Agra” But just realize if s/o isn’t learning as much as they can -they shouldn’t be put down for it. Unfortunately, one of the biggest things that others say about Bochurim when it comes to Shidduchim is -that they aren’t Massmidim. I think this is wrong! Who are you to judge what a Massmid is? You can’t judge by how many hours he puts in the Bais Medrash because he could be learning 1 hour out of 12 and a guy who comes for a hour & a half and learns the whole time is a bigger Massmid than the first guy!