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no prob doing Motzei Shabbos as a “permanent” (might be a good idea since i am in Yerushalayim)
Might be an idea to have 2 sign ups, the 1st for permanents, and the second on a weekly basis. With 2 each day, there will be less opportunity to miss a day.
and on to the d’var Torah…
I said this at my table Leil Shabbos (found in the Tallilei Oros):
The Ramban (quoting the Ibn Ezra) asks why the Torah goes out of its way, to mention all the details of Sarah’s miraculous birth at age 90, while all but ignoring the fact that Yocheved gave birth to Moshe at age 130?!?
The answer he gives is that the Torah (and Neviim) goes out of its way to state the miracles which where foretold though prophecy, while generally turning a “blind eye” to those which occur without being foretold via prophecy.
The Apirion states that since the miracle was already mentioned by Sarah, there was no need for the Torah to mention the occurrence of a similar miracle by Yocheved.
The Dubna Maggid gives a Mashal to answer this question.
Two paupers (who collect door-to-door) met each other on the road one night. The started chatting about where the other was coming from, and how they did there. Reuven told Shimon that he came from Plonyville, and everyone there gave him $20.
Shimon responded to Reuven, stating that when he went to Plonyville, everyone gave him $40.
Reuven asked Shimon when he collected there. Shimon’s reply: “Purim”
Reuven ten told Shimon that Purim is neither a chiddush nor a proof, since on Purim many members of Klal Yisroel go out of their way to give extra Matanos L’evyonim. It could even be, said Reuven, that my $20 during regular times is a greater proof of their generosity then the $40 you received on Purim.
So what is the connection? Yocheved had Moshe during the time of “Paru V’Yashritzu V’Yarbu B’me’od me’od”. It was considered normal for sextuplets to be born. As such, Yocheved having a child at 130 was nothing special. However, nothing of the sort was happening during the time of Avraham and Sarah. During there time, things were operating under the laws of teva (nature). Thus the birth of Yitchak was indeed much more miraculous, despite the fact that, at the time of their respective births, Sarah was 40 year Yocheved’s junior.