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Mishenichnas Adar marbim b’sima: From the beginning of Adar we are supposed to increase our simcha. This curious obligation brings a question to mind. To “increase” our simcha implies that previous to Adar we should already be in a state of simcha, only that we should increase it when Adar begins. What is the nature of the pre-Adar simcha, and in what way are we supposed to increase it?
According to the wisdom of Rav Tzadok HaCohen t”zl the answer can be revealed in taking a quiet moment of earnest introspection during which we may actually be able to feel the extraordinary merit of being a Jew and the incredible privilege to be able to offer our personal service to, no less than, the Master of the entire universe. The joy that we could derive from a moment of such exquisite splendor is larger than the ability of any words to convey. This is the type of simcha that we should feel every time that we prepare to fulfill a mitzvah. The holy Ari t”zl attributed all of his extraordinary capabilities in revealing the secrets of the kabbalah to his passionate simcha in fulfillment the mitzvos. Imagine how much this approach could enhance our avodas Hashem!
Simcha shel mitzvah is incumbent upon every Jew during the entire year, but from the beginning of Adar we are advised to increase and intensify our focus on our great and glorious destiny. From the upcoming Rosh Chodesh Adar, prior to fulfilling our daily mitzvos, by spending more quality time reflecting on our great fortune as avdei Hashem we can upgrade the quality of our service of our Creator in addition to elevating our own simcha!
by Rabbi Yitzchok Schwartz