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It says in the Posuk:

???????????? ??? ????????? ???????? ??????????????

The next Posuk says:

??????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????????

It once happened in Yeruslayim that The Mahril Diskin paid for the Mezuzos to be checked in Yerushlayim.He paid them from the funds of the orpanage that untill today is in his name.He was asked how was he able to do this he answered the Posukim answer your question I take in the Orphans of Yerushlayim and it costs to support them their whole lives. If I pay now to check the Mezuzos and the people will live, it is a wortwhile investment for the orpahnage. Therfore, I am paying from the Orphange’s funds as an Invesment in the future.