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Ben Yehoyada.

Parshas Korach.

???? ???? ??????

( Resh Lakish said:) He took a bad bargain for himself, being plucked out of Israel. (Sanhedrin 109 B)

The Simple Pshat is that he caused the ‘burning’ of 250 men, and the ensuing plaque.

A deeper Pshat is as follows;

The Kelipah is called ???”?, and Bnei Yisroel were saved from it, in the Zechus of the 5 Books of the Torah. Therefore the Gematria of



is also the Gematria of ???? (five books of Torah)

Korach said that the Mitzvos were from Moshe’s reasoning not Hashem’s. Therefore he denied the whole ???? ???? ????, and he distanced the Yidden from fighting the Kelipah of TE”KEL and maintaining belief in the ???? ???? ????

He ??? (distanced) the Yidden

from the

?’ 5 ???? ???? ????’

??? (anagram)

therefore it said he was ????.