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Tisha B’ Av

BACKROUND: The Roman’s killed Yidden because the Caesars daughter was murdered by some Yidden (who were avenging the destruction of there Holy possessions), The Romans killed so many Yidden..

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The Sages measured (the rivers) and it had 2 parts water in it and 1 part blood. (Gittin 57A)

The Talmud in Niddah says a diluted wine drink (????) (in Talmudic times wine was so intoxicating it had to be dilluted) was 2 parts water and 1 part wine (wine was generally red like blood)-

The Talmud in Sanhedrin says the verse in Shir Hashirim ?? ???? ???? -do not reduce the diluted wine- refers to Torah Scholars–

From here we derive the loss of Talmudie Chachomim that were lost in this massacre.

(Ben Yehoyoda)