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In this weeks parsha there is a pasuk which at first glance seems to be out of order, but with Rashi and Targum Yonason’s explanation there is no misplacement.The pasuk says when I will bring you to mokem zeh(Rashi says this means the Bais HaMikdash)and then says I will give you the land of Eretz Yisroel.The question that could be asked is that Klal Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel and then got the Bais HaMikdash later why then is the Bais HaMikdash mentioned first? If one goes back to Sefer Shemos to the pasrsha of Korban Peasach one will see a fascinating Targum Yonason. He brings down that Klal Yisroel flew on kanfei nesharim to the mokem HaMikdash to do the mitzvah of Korban Peasach and then went back to mitzrayim.Since Klal Yisroel was at the sit of the Bais HaMikdash first that is why it is mentioned first.

As a side note, one can say that Moshe Rabbeniu entered Eretz Yisroel before his ban on entering Eretz Yisroel.(There is another source for this concept in the parsha of the Meraglim)