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There was once a person who approached someone who raised turkeys and wished to purchase one. He agreed to sell him, but in 3 months time. After the time was up he purchased the nice large turkey, and the farmer pointed out, “remember the small turkeys 3 months ago? Look how nice and fat they are!”

The person said, “In all honesty they are really nice and big, but I was surprised at the amount of time. I mean 1-2 weeks okay, 3 weeks maybe, but what in the world takes 3 months??”

The farmer chuckled and with a wave of the hand said, “Mine aren’t raised like all the other turkeys you’ll find. Mine are the very best, the juciest, and delicious tasting turkeys. the other farmers out there just stuff the turkey with food for 2-3 weeks straight, and inject them with growth hormones etc. The way I raise them, is much differently! I starve them for 2 weeks, then stuff them for 2 weeks then starve them for 2 weeks and stuff them for 2 weeks. By the third month they have such an appetite, i let them eat themselves, and they eat so much, i don’t have to inject them or overstuff them, they do it themselves, and now are the most fattest and juciest turkeys.

The Nimshal

A person’s heart breaks on Y”K and he does teshuva for all the sins he committed, and promises never to do it again. The Yeitzer Hara says, great! let him starve for 2 weeks. Then about a couple of weeks after Sukkos, he goes back to his bad ways. Next Y”K comes and he starves himself. Eat Starve Eat Starve Eat Starve… see where this is going..

After 120 years we will get to the Bais Din shel maalah, they will find you to be the juciest turkey, steeped in cheit, and worse then we can ever imagine!

when one does teshuva you have to realize it is a loooong process and is imperative to erase all delights and pleasurable feelings from cheit from one’s heart so that we NEVER go back to the old ways. Otherwise we become one big fat turkey in the hands of the Yeitzer Hara to feast on.
