Reply To: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah

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Here is a mix from my Rav, Guest speaker & Rebbe:

There are 2-4 mitzvos which you can do with your whole body: Succah, Yeshuv Eretz Yisroel (My Rav added Mikvah & Bias Bais Hamikdash because he is chassidish & these arent actually mitzvos but its the way to get to it-hechsher). The lowest part of the body is the foot. The malbish (ornament) of the foot is the shoes. One is not all allowed to wear shoes in the BH”M. The question is: how can you wear shoes in the succah if it’s on the same level of the BH”M, is the succah more kodesh? The answer is in a way it is. Hashem wants us to be m’taher the whole guf!

The gemara says: “Usid HB”H lasos machul (circle) l’tzadikim”. Why a circle? Because in a circle, nobody is ahead of each other, we’re all together as 1 unit (achdus). So there is no greater way of showing this greatness than by dancing with your feet which have shoes on them in a circle on Simchas Torah!!!

May we have this in mind during hakafos & at other simchos as well & serve Hashem with kol gufo! Gut Shabbos & Moed!