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BaalHabooze has requested that I give a dvar torah, so here it is.

This is in the zchus of BaalHabooze, may he be a marbitz torah

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R’ Moshe Shternbuch writes, in his sefer Ta’am V’daas, That the passuk does not tell us what exactly Avraham said during his eulogy.

Rashi here says “the years of Sarah’s life were all equally good”.

What exactly is Rashi trying to convey here to us?

R’ Shturnbuch explains that often people change their behavior and/or their views in order to conform with their surroundings, and in order to be respected by people. Sometimes people even work on themselves and climb up to a high madreiga, only to return to their previous level after a short time.

Sarah Imeinu, however, was different. All her years were equally good. This is the ultimate praise once can receive. That at every opportunity, in every place, with every person, she remained a tzaddeikes.

This is the true tzaddik, one who never sways from their tziddkus and who always acts with true righteousness.