Reply To: Shidduchim�Girls are Shallow

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Iron Penguin has a point. We live in a day and age where a household needs 2 incomes to make ends meet. A frum lifestyle especially has many expenses associated with it, such as the higher cost of kosher food, seforim, Pesach, shabbat, yom tov meals, wigs (if that’s a particular community’s practice), yeshiva tuition, etc. Halakhically, a ketuba enjoins a man to provide for the kallah. Many families where the husband does not work are on welfare, which is a busha, and immoral.

I hold like the Rambam 100% on the issur of taking compensation for learning torah. If people learn full-time and have the desire or capability to go into chinuch, kashrut, the professional rabbinate, become a mohel, a shochet, etc., then this is acceptable, since they’re not strictly profiteering off the torah.

I learn in the evenings in a kollel program for an hour and a half and I also go to a daf yomi shiur, full of men who work or go to school during the day. They’re a fine group, and when they can be out schmoozing with their buddies, or playing computer games, or watching tv instead, the fact that they use their evenings to learn is inspirational and powerful.