Reply To: Propping baby to bottle-feed

Home Forums Health & Fitness Propping baby to bottle-feed Reply To: Propping baby to bottle-feed

🍫Syag Lchochma

just as a side bar to frumguy, yes, you did NOT say anything about women who don’t nurse being lazy. I believe I understood what you meant because I have made the same statements. I just know how easy it is to mis-hear those statements (as you see) and mothers are often very fragile.

I do remember hearing two comments almost decades ago that still ring in my ears. One mom friend said to me, “I am DEFINITELY not nursing this baby, why would anyone want to be tied down like that?” another was “I don’t want to nurse this baby because we will be moving and it is such a pain in the neck to nurse when you have other things to do”. Yes, I know that we can’t judge etc etc, but those were friends of mine and I am pretty clear on what they meant and said. But my point is that that is NOT typical, and even if that is more along the lines of the thinking frumguy was referring to, most mom’s, Thank Gd, have a much different attitude.