Reply To: If Bernie Sanders is Jewish, I'm a Christmas Tree

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Hilchos Matanos Aniyim does not contain anything that can even be remotely misconstrued to support a generous welfare state. Even by the most creative Torah-twisters of the world like Charlie and his spiritual adviser, Avi Weiss.

To the contrary, based on the tzedaka parameters enumerated there, both regarding the giver and the recipient, the RAMBAM would be against such a system. Such sick “generosity” has taken trillions of dollars in income from the pockets of hard-working people and mostly wasted it on those who despise hard work. Worse, it has created an increasing cycle of dependency that has ruined generations.

Then there’s the silly idea of advocating a welfare state to support able-bodied people who decide to learn in kollel. That wouldn’t be considered tzedaka, which is mandatory. At best, for the actually deserving few, it would be considered hachzakas haTorah, which isn’t mandatory.

The Gemorah Bava Basra and L’havdil, the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel disagree with you.

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We had this discussion here: