Reply To: Should Yeshiva's (all of them) say Mishberach for Israel soldiers on Shabbos?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Should Yeshiva's (all of them) say Mishberach for Israel soldiers on Shabbos? Reply To: Should Yeshiva's (all of them) say Mishberach for Israel soldiers on Shabbos?


I personally find it to be a lack of Hakoras Hatov in the heigest degree when klall Yisroel -and that includes the Yeshivishe velt in Israel and Golus- refrain in saying on Shabbos the Prayer for Tzahal.

And if you invented a new prayer for tzahal that needs to be said every day at chatzos, it would be a lack of hakaras hatov that I don’t say that either.

Let’s start with the lack of hakaras hatov to Hashem in the fact that most people don’t daven at all.