Reply To: Should Yeshiva's (all of them) say Mishberach for Israel soldiers on Shabbos?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Should Yeshiva's (all of them) say Mishberach for Israel soldiers on Shabbos? Reply To: Should Yeshiva's (all of them) say Mishberach for Israel soldiers on Shabbos?

☕ DaasYochid ☕

I personally find it to be a lack of Hakoras Hatov in the heigest degree when klall Yisroel -and that includes the Yeshivishe velt in Israel and Golus- refrain in saying on Shabbos the Prayer for Hatzolah.

After all, in Hatzolah are not just non-yeshivish or chassidish members, but yeshivish and chassidish as well with all kinds of Hashkafos. Is this not a lack of Hakaras Hatov to our Hatzolah members who give their time and effort every day even giving up their Shabbos and Yom Tov to protect every Yid no matter where or who he is from Meah Shearim to Tel Aviv to Monroe to Teaneck? Isn’t this a Hillul Hashem on the part of the Yeshivish community who 100 years ago said a prayer every Shabbos to every anti-semitic Tzar and tyrant and now when we have a volunteer ambulance service of our own we cannot ‘fargin’ a prayer that calls for Hashem to protect our Jewish EMT? I ask you, isn’t it about time we wake and realize we are only shooting ourselves in the foot, literally, by not beseeching Hashem to protect us? Anyone?