Reply To: Should Yeshiva's (all of them) say Mishberach for Israel soldiers on Shabbos?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Should Yeshiva's (all of them) say Mishberach for Israel soldiers on Shabbos? Reply To: Should Yeshiva's (all of them) say Mishberach for Israel soldiers on Shabbos?


If I had to summarize:

I think we all feel we owe hakaras hatov to the soldiers of Israel. The fact is, they do put their lives on the line to protect us from our enemies.

The question is, should we show it and how? Some posters seems to say that what the army does is so important to us, and they are risking so much to do it, that we should go as far to say a special tefilah for them that Hashem should protect them.

Others say, while we should definitely feel hakaras hatov for them in our hearts and minds, we do not have an obligation to change the tefilah for them just like we don’t for other organizations that we feel hakaras hatov for. Additionally, while we should feel hakaras hatov to the individual soldiers, showing it publicly to the Zionist entity as a whole (for those who believe that the Zionist entity is against halachah) would be inappropriate, especially when this Zionist entity is trying to force those who are learning Torah into the army. We should feel hakaras hatov to those individuals who protect us, but we should not necessarily show hakaras hatov to an organization that we disapprove of hashkafically and halachically.