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Halacha – Abriged Amidah
Submitted by anonymous Answered by Rav Peretz Moncharsh
Answer: The source of the Chaye Adam is the gemara Berachos 28 and it is brought in Shulchan Aruch OC 110:1 and commonly referred to as “Tefilas Havineinu”. However the Mishna Berura there in Biur Halacha and the Aruch HaShulcha write that it is not done just because one cannot concentrate on a full Shmona Esrei, because today people have difficulty concentrating even for an abridged version. Additionally, the Shulchan haTahor writes that it should not be said because Abaye in the Gemera there curses anyone who says an abridged tefilla. Furthermore, the Kaf HaChaim writes that since there are various nusachaos mentioned in the Poskim and we are uncertain which is correct, the minhag is to always only say the full version.