Reply To: Did Romney have any good points against Trump?

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Rob – he’s not like hitler. Frankly, its quite offensive to those of us who actually know from the nazi era that you compare your piddling trifles to something quite serious and tragic. You have to either be very insensitive or very ignorant to cry nazism every time something bothers you. I’m hurt that a frum yid such as yourself, who from what I understand is no naive youngster, can stoop so low. Please cease and desist.

DaMo – Romney is a nothing, but who are they going to get? One of the Bush men? That would be worse. Not to mention it would look personally motivated because Trump openly attacked them. Reagan is dead. Other Republicans past or present simply don’t have the same national recognition. I agree, it was an almost worthless attempt by a worthless politician who has more in common with Obama than I can stomach, but the donor base is desperate.

Joe – all I can say is that the more you dislike Trump the more I want to like him 🙂