Reply To: Chedvas


snowbunny-not to put a damper on things, but i thought you can’t go to touro israel if you’re making aliyah. is that not the case?

(also, i debated whether or not to say this, but i think i’m going to, and i do apologize if it hurts you in any way.i’m just putting this out there, and you can do with it what you like.

i don’t know who you are, nor am i interested in finding out. it’s not my business. but there are yentas in this world who think that everything is their business. and based on information that you wrote, people are trying to figure out who you are. meaning, they made an assumption that you went to my school, and i’ve been asked to identify certain things. i’m a year ahead of you, so if you did go to my school, which idk if you did or did not, i don’t know you. i also did not try to find out, b/c like i siad, that’s not my business. i’ve told people who asked that it’s not their business as well… i don’t know how private you want to be, but i would like to warn you that people get all excited when they “figure someone out” and it’s almost an exciting thing for them. again, i’m not trying to be hurtful.i just want you to be aware of certain unfortunate realities in this world… )

hatzlacha rabba with everythign! i hope it all works out for you! 😀