Reply To: Bread Theory of the Shidduch Crisis

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

So Torah613Torah thinks it’s a bitachon crisis, an I think it’s a shidduch crisis.

We’re probably both right.

Let me give my own analogy.

Everyone knows how tough it is in today’s economy to get a job. There simply are not enough jobs for the number of potential employees (whether this is actually currently true or not is irrelevant to my point).

If an individual panics and thinks there’s no way he’ll be able to support his family, that’s a chisaron in bitachon. On the other hand, if he’s offered a good job even in a bad economy, he’s foolhardy to turn it down because he thinks there’s a better job out there somewhere for him.

If an askan sets up a job training and placement program because of the unemployment crisis, that’s not a chisaron in bitachon, that’s a very big mitzvah.

You can all figure out the nimshal.