Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control)

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Bas Torah

Just to add this in… I spent Shabbos in a more “modern” frum community near Flatbush who considered themselves modern orthodox. The family I was spending Shabbos with had three teenaged daughters, and they and their mothers shocked me in the outfits they wore to shul. One daughter had on a skirt that came below her knees, but was completely see-through from top to bottom. I’m not talking about only if you look close or in certain lights, I mean see-through, the way plastic is see-through! The fabric was like a sheer curtain. I could see EVERYTHING through that “skirt” clear as day. None of them were tznius, including the mother, but this one particular daughter!! How could they intentionally wear such things? To shul even! How could she walk down the street like that? I was so embarrassed…