Reply To: Divorce is Worse than a Difficult Marriage

Home Forums Family Matters Divorce is Worse than a Difficult Marriage Reply To: Divorce is Worse than a Difficult Marriage


Droid, I would suggest that when you choose to make such a powerful statement you preface it with “in my opinion”, as everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However making such a powerful statement as if you are speaking from personal knowledge when you do NOT have experience or personal knowledge in this situation can be very offensive to those who do. It is impossible to even comprehend what it is like to be in a truly abusive or hateful marriage. Do you even know what its like to be hurt or ignored? Humiliated or degraded in private or in front of your kids? What about treated like a child and have money withheld or so controlled that you have to ask for funds like a child? Or never have anyone to go anywhere with or have a silent home and never have anyone to talk to? What if your friends and/or relatives are not welcome in your home or if you are cut off from them?

No one knows what goes on behind someone else’s closed doors. So no one should make such a strong statement without considering all the issues involved. I am a big believer in realizing your obligations to your children before taking care of your own needs so I do recommend making your marriage “work” for the sake of your kids and if you truly can’t then make your divorce work for the sake of your kids. But I would never tell anyone to stay in a horrible marriage because thats best for the kids. It usually is NOT best for the kids.