Reply To: Divorce is Worse than a Difficult Marriage

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Luna Lovegood

In many cases staying together simply isn’t an option and divorce would be beneficial to everyone involved. I grew up in a home where my parents’ personalities clashed and every single thing became a huge fight. My siblings and I wished that they would just get a divorce and end the misery. But because of the tabboo surrounding divorce they stayed married. This had a negative impact on me and my siblings and we all have trouble maintaining healthy relationships. On the outside we seemed liked a normal family and no one knew how much all of us suffered.

I look back on that painful period in my life and can honestly say that a divorce would have been so much better than trying to “make the best of the situation”. Couples who, for whatever reasons, can’t stay married should get a divorce and ignore that nosy, nasty, judgemental people who think they know what’s best for someone else’s marriage.