Reply To: To the citizens of the former US of A (humor)

Home Forums Humor & Entertainment To the citizens of the former US of A (humor) Reply To: To the citizens of the former US of A (humor)


1. What is a doughnut? And how do you pronounce that: k?fn?t?

…also, please explain how it is more efficient to use more letters.

2. iz this a mor effishent form of comm 4 u?

3. “holiday”? Did you mean “vacation”?

4 What is “grouse”? I’ve never seen grice before.

5. The National Peeler Association will probably fight the requirement for that permit.

6. What is “roundabout”?

… also, what is “metric system”?

7. Since you are pricing gas to the dollar I assume we will be continuing to use the less stable dollar rather than the British Sterling?

8. What is “catsup”?

9. Should we start calling beer “beeur”?


11. Research indicates that the name “soccer” began in England.

12. No baseball is no problem. No one watches it anyway anymore.

13. Only if you tell us the secret to not laughing at court dress.

14. “Monies”? munnies? monnies? mounies? I’m not getting it.

15. Can the American version of tea be replaced with coffee?