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Charlie lets stick to the real issues here. Birthright will be decided by the courts if it has not been already (see the Constitution). . . .so next. Thats your IMPORTANT issue of the day?? C’mon. The fact that Walker is a politician I dont deny.

I dont know how HP was doing at the time so I need to hear the WHOLE story. I know in D land if you lay off workers automatically your an ogre, but hey sometimes thats what a company needs to do. Again I need the whole story.

But she sounds like a regular person who has good ideas.

Thats becoming my number one qualification for politics these days. EVERYONE else my ENTIRE life who is, sounds, and becomes a politician has failed miserably. This country is in shambles and its both parties fault!

Where do you think someone like Trump can gain such a groundswell of popular support. Romney was rich and that contributed a lot to his failure. Trump is many more times richer but he sounds like a person youd BBQ in the backyard with. Romney? no way, and he sounds like and is a politician, Therefore doomed.

Unions? take a look what happened to unions in WI, MI, and IN the recent states to pass ‘right to work’ legislation.

When given a choice people reject unions time and again. There must be a reason for that Charlie.

Please explain to me why when given a choice unions are ALWAYS dropped.

And while your at it please explain to me why the places that are such union and liberal democrat strongholds are the worst of the worst in social, economic, and just about any other factor youd like to analyze.

Republicans are not the answer, but their side has the more impressive lineup in this color war.