Reply To: Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha?

Home Forums Simchas Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha? Reply To: Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha?


Myfriend and his twin Helpful. Please explain the Maris Ayin in my case. Who saw me enter this restaurant (or who should I have been concerned would have seen me enter this restaurant).


“Participating in a party in a treif restaurant is clearly maris eyin.”

Again, I will ask you to explain the maris ayin in my situation. Please answer this question.

“We have seen on this board all sorts of crazy aveiros being justified by claims of anono rov’s okaying them.”

I can just as easily flip this around on you and state we have seen all sorts of crazy things ossured on this board by anonymous self proclaimed poskim, but I wont. Just answer the question. Please explain the maris ayin in the particular situation I mentioned.