Reply To: Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha?

Home Forums Simchas Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha? Reply To: Inviting Non-Jewish Co-Workers To A Simcha?


Interesting day for this 5 year old thread to be resurrected………

I’ve just read the entire thread and will return to the original question.

I am marrying off child number 3 in the next two weeks. There will be non-Jews invited to the simcha. I have a small law firm and my child and the new spouse will be new associates. How could I possibly exclude the 3 non-Jewish firm employees while inviting the rest of the firm? No way if I want to keep a harmonious business atmosphere. The non-Jewish employees/partner handle the requirements of a law practice that occur on Shabbos and Yuntif. My child (mid 20s) knows all 3 from birth. They have been at both sons’ B’nai Mitvah, and weddings, and both my parents funerals. No, they were not at brisim, because they occurred in shul. They know how to dress and what is appropriate behavior and speech…which is more than I can say for some of the non-observant but Jewish relations and neighbors who must also be invited to some of these things.

I have been honored with invitations to many of their family events. I do not attend anything at a church, and they understand why. They have gone out of their way to order meals from the kosher caterer so my wife and I could be included. Never have we been subjected to the kind of inappropriate behavior at one of their functions as we encountered and walked out of at non-frum ‘kosher catered’ Jewish simchas.