Reply To: Some important Halachos of Tefillah and pronunciation

Home Forums Bais Medrash Some important Halachos of Tefillah and pronunciation Reply To: Some important Halachos of Tefillah and pronunciation

BP Zaideh

The Tachnun Issue: 1) A shul is NOT allowed to skip tachnun when there is a bris earlier that day in the same shul (Landuas, Shomer Shabbos…) just because that minyan skipped. These halachos are m’furash in the Mishna B’rura!

Can you please tell me the ???? ??? ? I looked and could find only about earlier Minyonim which is mutar. Look in ???? ?????? ??’? ??? ?”? and footnotes 99-101 where he brings quite a few Poskim including the ???? ????,??? ?????? and Satmar Rav who are Matir.

I believe that Hashem needs ? our tachnunim, after all we can only gain instead of complain!

Hashem wants, we need