Reply To: Modern Orthodoxy

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MO and Yeshivish are not diametrically opposed. In theory, they are very much alike. The main difference is that an ideal theoretical MO Yid is more willing to engage in secular society for the positives it can offer while the Yeshivish/Charedi tries to stay away from secular society as much as possible, not wanting to benefit from the positives in an effort to keep away from the negatives (this can also be used to explain why MO is more receptive to Zionism while the Yeshivish/Charedi are not… MO theory is not afraid of the secular influence of Zionism while Yeshivish/Charedi is). Unfortunately, (and I say this as a person who appreciates the theory of Modern Orthodoxy), I think the fears of the Charedi/Yeshivish velt were warranted in many cases, as you will find more MO’s negatively affected by secular society, maybe being lax in areas of halachah and Talmud Torah because of their involvement in secular society. But that’s not what Modern Orthodoxy wanted to be, that’s just an unfortunate result of it’s failed application to the masses.