Reply To: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication

Home Forums Kashruth Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication Reply To: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication


Oomis, why does it have nothing to do with being machmir across the board for all dairy? If there’s no safek anymore, go for it! “

Rationalfrummie, I personally drink chalav stam. But if someone already claims to be cholov Yisroel, they cannot have it both ways. Either they are or they are not. If they eat stam ice cream (fineby me), they are clearly not holding by Cholov Yisroel. I am not judging them unfavorably for not being C”Y. I am just pointing out that it is a little hypocritical to claim to be one thing while doing another that contradicts the claim. Kind of like claiming to be tzniusdig, but when you are in Florida you go in mixed swimming on the beach.