Reply To: Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora? Reply To: Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora?

Avi K

NeutiquamErro, I must have missed that one in the multiplicity of comments. First of all, we do not always pasken like the Shulchan Aruch. Certainly not Ashkenazim but eevn Rav Ovadia sometimes paskened against him because of another klal (e.g safek berachot l’hakel). If the question is does the State of Israel act 100% accordingto Halacha, the answer is “not yet but it does substantially act according to Halacha”. So it depends on whether you are an “all or nothing” person or if you praise what is good and try to fix what is not. Phil Chernofsky of the OU Israel Center compared this argument to three brothers who were hit by a car while playing in the street and required hospitalization. Even after they were released they still required physical therapy. One brother thought that being released was enough, one thought that having to undergo p.t. meant that there was nothing to celebrate and the third thanked Hashem for bring him this far and prayed for the future.

Health, your command of the English language is worse than I thought.Judicial review means that they can knock down a law.Thus the government cannot do whatever it wants. However, if no one objects than they do not get involved. This is highly unlikely in a Jewish community but if it happens this then becomes a minhag and poskim are generally loathe to overturn minhagim. As for the Nazi party, I was not around to have a problem with it.In any case, it never received a majority of seats in the Reichstag. After it was named to form the government it suppressed all other parties and ended judicial review and independence. Thus, if I had been around I would have had a problem with it even before it started to persecute Jews. I would also like to take this opportunity to give you a lesson in Political Science (my B.A.). The government is not the state (Louis XIV notwithstanding). Neither is the regime. The government is a group of people who run the entity known as the state according to a set of rules (regime/constitution). Governments and even regimes come and go but the state remains. For example, France is now on its fifth republic (constitution) and has also had kings and emperors but it is the same state.