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Neutiquam:Your extreme views on what i considered halacha and who follows it , is in total contradiction to hundreds of maamorei chazal. I am not going to engage into a debate on whether the laws of the State -of israel- are based on halacha or not- clearly many are- because you will never be satisfied with anything the govt dos. Do we need chazon shiur tzitsis? do we keep rabbeinu Tam’s zman? Do we need a Badatz hechsher? the fact is you will never be satisfied. But my beef with you is the fact that you Passel any jew who makes any aveirah. You condemn a jew who keeps shabbos but eats “pork”. How about loshon horah? How about mesirah? the ‘lav’ of “lo telech rochil beamechu’ is exactly as stringent as not eating chazir. According to you, virtually every jew is not considered religious. How about “kibud ov ve’em”. Do you even know stringent this is,according to the gemoro? We are probably all of us not doing that mitzvah. So, we are all not living according to halacha? Life is nt perfect and teshuva is all encompassing and yet it does not come easily. Try to be more humble and allow for human frailty.