Reply To: Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora?

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Avi K

Health, if you owned a stationary store would you refuse to sell to someone who might write on Shabbat? Would you take back his writing instruments if he did? FYI, there already is an incentive not to drive on Shabbat. Israel insurance companies give discounts to drivers who declare themselves shomrei Shabbat – and if they do drive they are not covered in case of an accident.

NeutiquamErro, how many times are you going to repeat that mantra? How many times will I have to explain the difference between a state and a government? As for your analogy between a person who commits abn aveira, in that case no one is religious (Kohelet 7:20). Indeed, Rav Kook (“March of the Camps”) decried these non-Jewish labels as they impede teshuva. The fact of the matter is that observance is a continuous distribution and always has been. How Hashem judges each individual is His calculation (see Rambam Hilchot Teshuva 3:1-2 and Rav Dessler, “Kuntras Nekudat HaBechira” in “Michtav MeEliahu”).

Neville, why do you only mention them. What about Rav Reines and Rav Kook? What about the fact that among the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Rav Maimon of the Mizrahi and Rav Levin of the Aguda?