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catch yourself

@IHLH – no doubt (and so it is said) an ugly rumor started that Rav Moshe does not hold of company X…completely ignoring that he picked up the bottle in the first place!

In a similar vein, I heard from Rav Aharon Felder zt”l, arguably Rav Moshe’s closest talmid (perhaps after Rav Bluth), who was present when this occurred:

Rav Moshe was known to be super makpid about his matzos. At a bris once on chol hamoed Pesach, the young Rav Reuven approached his father during the seudas mitzvah and said quietly (in Yiddish, of course), “these are not our matzos,” to which Rav Moshe replied, “if I don’t eat, people will say that it’s chometz!”