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“If someone conforms to the shitta that it is not permitted to eat gebrochts, and DY outlined the reason for it right above, then it makes no sense to eat from keilim used with gebrochts. It is contradictory and the gebrochts keilim are assur for the same reason eating gebrochts are assur.”

I never met anybody who actually held gebrochts are assur. The vast majority of people eat Gebrochts on achraon shel PEsach chas vesholom to say they lessen a chashash of Chometz! furthermore this year most of those will prepare their Kneidlech on shevii shel PEsach since Acharon shel PEsach is Shabbos (obviously some wont, but most do).

It isnt a real chashash of Chometz, nobody says your oiver bal yiraeh if have matzah meal products in your home. It is a minhag plain and simple. Minhagim are important. Especially PEsach when we have heightened sense of mesora and passing on tradition.

And yes some minhagim are silly. That some find that offensive doenst make it less silly. For example putting aside any keilim that feel on the floor makes no sense halachicly and is in fact (in my opinion) silly. Of course if that is your minhag keep practicing it much as those with minhag to avoid gebrokts (present compant included) avoid gebrokts