Reply To: Op-Ed: Houston Jews – Rebuild in Israel!

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I don’t need to trumpet my Zionist credentials here – I think all know where I’m coming from. But the writer of this article, I am afraid, is a bombastic, insensitive, and uninformed advocate for Aliyah. He makes blanket assumptions about the Jews of houston, not noticing the Jews who live below the poverty line, who are elderly, infirm, or alone, who arent motivated by greed as he assumes Jews in America are. He denigrates the Federations who help these people. He trumpets the Aliyah of Russians and Ethiopians, and they are indeed miracles. But who does he think raised billions of dollars to pay for them? The Jews of Houston, and everywhere across the continent. HKBH used them as his instrument to accomplish this as much as he did anyone in Eretz Yisrael. I share his concern about assimilation. I even share his conviction that ultimately we will all build our lives in Eretz Yisrael. But denigrating the active role North American Jews have played in the rescue of those hundreds of thousands of Jews, questioning their loyalty to HKBH and Am Yisrael? Calling those who sustain kehilos and minyonim one day a week Jews? Thats the mehalech of an ingrate and an uninformed blowhard. I’m not impressed.