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ames my friend-Amen! Thank you for your beautiful bracha!
I have a question for everyone in the coffee room with the concept of davening for one’s friend.I daven for my friend first and then I daven for myself is that the wrong thing to do?Someone told me that you are only suppose to daven for the other person, however I feel that I still need to daven for myself.
I am worried that I may be a bit selfish that I might have more kavana when I am davening for myself then when for my friend.
I have to be honest that one of the reasons that I am davening for myis friend because I want to get shidduch also .However even if I was married I would still daven for my friend. However if I was married I would daven for her just for the sake of her without any ulterior feelings of if i daven for her then Hashem will listen to my Tefilos .
Am I doing the wrong thing, I am worried that my reasoning for davening for my friends is not 100% purley for the sake of them.
Although I daven for people who don’t have children, parnasa without expecting to get anything from it except to help another yid.