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If Hashem wants me to get married he’ll send the right girl when he wants her to come. Same thing for girls. Let’s not go jump and get people to go out with different people then they would “for the better good”.

IF?????? Of course He wants you to get married. The first mitzvah is Pru Urvu. But… many girls and guys do not marry because they do not meet the one they are supposed to marry, because the boy was,”too short, too poor, not learned enough, ” or the girl was “too fat, too tall, too plain, didn’t go to the right seminary…” etc. We set up roadblocks all by ourselves. I ahve a friend who is challushing nwo that her daughter’s friends are getting married left and right and her daughter, who is a great kid, pretty, very, very smart, personable, has excellent middos, and is a great cook, is not dating. What she will not acknowledge to herself, but I will here (I don’t think she reads this forum), is that she is incredibly nit-picky and unrealistic. She doesn’t want a boy whose PARENTS will not support the couple (usually it is the girl whose side gives “kest” isn’t it), because she and her husband are not financially well-ff. But she also only wants “the best boy” from a wealthy home. Most best boys from wealthy homes, have lists and lists of “best girls” also from wealthy homes. She also ONLY wants a very tall boy from a large family. What if the perfect shidduch comes along and he is an only child or has only one or two siblings? She won’t even hear of the shidduch. And she is making these decisions FOR her daughter, without even talking to her to see how she would feel about it. I sincerely pray her daughter does make a perfect shidduch, she deserves it, as she is really a wonderful girl. But with the parameters being so stringent (and I only mentioned a few of the “list” items), it may not happen for a while, and when it does, she may have to compromise many of those “non-negotiables.” I think lots of girls are in this same boat.