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anonymiss: W

We can choose to let the natural results of our actions take their course and in all likelihood we will continue to have the same results that we have now.

Einstein said

“the defination of insanity is to keep on doing what we have been doing and expect different results”.

G-d expects us to do what we can we see a situation that needs fixing. To be honest I wouldn’t take this responsibility myself. However it is well documented that many of the present leaders of our nation, (Rav Elayshiv, Rav Shteinman, Rav Kamenetzky, and ybl”c Rav Shmuel Berenbaum and Rav Henoch Liebowitz to name just a few) are well aware of the seriousness of the situation. And, contrary to your suggestion, they have not advised to “take a chill”. We are expected to do what we can just like we must in any tzara facing the klal or a individual.

As a famous gadol once said, the concept of kefira is a middah that one must use when trying to help SOMEONE ELSE. We have no right to tell the person that I’ll take a chill; it’s G-d’s problem not mine. Any individual or community that could alleviate a problem is obligated to do so. Once we have exhausted all avenues we then turn to hashem and say, YOU the creator of the world are in charge.

HAVE WE FULLFILLED OUR END OF THE DEAL, Or are we just passing the buck???