Reply To: Should I wear a Tallis?

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As of tonite, being Toch Sheloshim Yom of Shovu’os, I have to bring to your attention Okiale in no uncertain terms, that when you IY’H shall be staying up Shovu’os nite, and praying @Daybreak come Shovu’os morning, there is a tremendous unresolved sofek laHalocho if you can make a Benediction on your Tallis Kotton, which has been on you all Shovu’os nite. … By wearing a Talis Godol, you evade & avoid this entire issue, and can peacefully bless over it, without any compunctions whatsoever. … As an aside, this even helps you get 1 closer to 100 Benedictions per day, come 1st day Shovu’os.