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There’s no good reason to think that impacts the numbers in a big way.

Simple logic, and until you can prove otherwise I have no reason to accept your opinion. And there is certainly no reason to change the accepted norm based on it.

I didn’t want to discuss NASI specifically because I dont have too many nice things to say about them. I still dont understand how anyone would accept such a half baked idea with no proof. And its not about inactivity vs closing the age gap, everyone encourages redting more shidduchim, only sensible shidduchim, and thats far more effective in practical terms than closing a non existent age gap. In fact this ridiculous idea has taken away time and attention from actual solutions.

The NASI initiatives only promote people getting married

Get married or stay married?

Is there anything objectionable to you about those ideas?

Find me 19 and 20 year olds on a large scale who are ready to get married. (They are encouraging large scale, right? If not whats the point?)

I’m really not sure how anyone can support an idea which has no proof and a “fix” with potential to cause major damage down the line.