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2. Is there agreement on the following fact:

The number of boys in Orthodox Jewish Schools in North America in 1st grade is far greater than the # of boys in 4th grade. In a similar vein, the number of boys in in North America in Orthodox Jewish HS in 9th grade is far greater than the # of boys in 12th grade.

3. Is there agreement on the following fact:

The number of girls in Orthodox Jewish schools in North America in 1st grade is far greater than the # of girls in 4th grade. In a similar vein, the number of girls in North America in Orthodox Jewish HS in 9th grade is far greater than the # of girls in 12th grade.

No, there is not.

There probably are, but I have no way of knowing. Similarly, I have no way of knowing that there are more boys in 9th grade than girls in 12th grade. Maybe the girls are going off the derech before 9th grade. Maybe the frum community has more girls than boys. Maybe the frum community doesn’t have straight line growth but instead has waves. Maybe there are a bunch of boy baalei teshuva in 12th grade. Maybe anything. Maybe we should find out before we propose radical sociological changes.