Reply To: Good Communities Outside of NY

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Mammele, the rumors of Bayswater’s death at the hands of Sandy are greatly exaggerated. Many (maybe most?) houses were totally undamaged. Other areas (Far Rockaway proper, Long Beach, Belle Harbor, Oceanside) were harder hit. In Bayswater, you can get a house with a large yard for less than you’d pay in almost any other frum community in the NY area, but it’s still a lot more expensive than many OOT communities (Baltimore, Detroit, etc.)

GAW, as regards Lawrence vs. FR, it depends on the neighborhood. Back Lawrence is pricier than the most expensive part of FR (Reads Lane). When comparing housing prices, it’s foolish not to account for ongoing costs like property taxes, so that “cheaper” Lawrence house may not be cheaper.

If the OP is concerned about maintaining connections with family in the NY area, she should limit herself to areas fairly close to NY, such as Baltimore. Denver may have great pizza (and no chance of being affected by rising sea levels), but it’s a long way from NY.