Reply To: Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?! Reply To: Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?!


These sites have their own clientele. YWN has a simcha section with just names, and plenty of people submit to these site with just names and a generic graphic- that’s really nice. But the sites advertise and thep people to whom they’re catering don’t care. Everyone has the option of not posting (most of my friends don’t). If they are posted against their will (as happened with my cousin, who was photographed with his kallah before they were engaged and posted without consent) they can complain and have it taken down. This is not a service or whatever that anyone has to use, and the wonderful thing about the internet is that it takes about thirty seconds to open a competing site al taharas hakodesh.