Reply To: Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?! Reply To: Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?!

Little Froggie

If one does not feel that sense of tznuis, the inner core of a true Bas Yisroel there’s nothing to explain, argue, debate. No, it’s not written anywhere on a black on white. It’s in the essence of a Jewish (???????) Bas Melech. Our princess are of bigger stuff than the pruste ogle things plastered all over town, newspapers and posters in the Goyeshe velt. And the more they’re enclosed, protected, bashitzed, the more they shine!! A Kalla;s inner beauty is reserved for her someone special. Exclusively.

And might I remind peoplach, we don’t pasken ???? ??????.. ??? ?????, Gemarah immediately says Halacha is not so.