Reply To: Is the Outrage Over The Killing of Cecil the Lion Justified?

Home Forums In The News Is the Outrage Over The Killing of Cecil the Lion Justified? Reply To: Is the Outrage Over The Killing of Cecil the Lion Justified?


Killing animals for sport IS outrageous and should be made illegal. No animal should be killed for no useful purpose. Killing animals for food or skin for clothing is perfectly correct.

This guy killed for nothing but sport. The outrage is well placed.

OTOH, the animal rights wackos and psychopaths at PETA called for this guy to be hanged. (On their twitter feed.) Even though what he did was wrong and should be punishable (IF illegal as it should be), it isn’t and shouldn’t be a capital offense. And it demonstrates that the animal crazies value animal life over human life, and are thus far crazier than these hunters.