Reply To: Is the Outrage Over The Killing of Cecil the Lion Justified?

Home Forums In The News Is the Outrage Over The Killing of Cecil the Lion Justified? Reply To: Is the Outrage Over The Killing of Cecil the Lion Justified?


First of all, the primary point is that hunting, especially in this brutal fashion, is immoral and should be made illegal if not already illegal. Indeed, from what I have read, both the dentists and the poachers with him were breaking the law. Any law that allows this behavior is immoral and should be changed.

Halacha does not allow breaking the law, and illegal poachers and bull fighters are not starving or freezing to death once they are caught and prevented.

According to your logic, bull fighting should be permitted because the bull fighters will starve and freeze to death if not. Rov Ovadia obviously says you are 100% wrong.