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Yiddish Country:

A pile of bills, old cheap thrills

Working late night at the old stone mill

These cars and lies, French and fries

What do you see if you close your eyes?

New boots on the floor, sign on the door

You got your gold neck ties, sweet pumpkin pies

What do you see on rodeo drive?

I can hear the sages say

Make it happen all today

A little bit is still okay


Di vos villen heren, heren

Di vos villen zen, zen

Di vos kenen kenen, kenen

Men darf nor vissen ver un ven


But you opened your doors to tired men, to lonely passersby and angels from heaven

Your kindness and your care were known far and wide, father of a nation your soul is alive.


Avraham are we the children that you dreamed of?

Are we the shining stars you saw at night?

You know its true, we still call you avinu

A child was born just the other day, and all those gathered there heard his mother say


Your courage and your might, kept the pharaohs up at night

No hand could hold you, no stranger would forget you.

