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Avi K:

The Rambam clearly writes in his introduction to the Sefer HaMitzvos that no korbanos, misas beis din, or wars are to be carried out without the Beis HaMikdosh. And that’s even if you’re not gores the line ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ????. I’m not sure how you think this can be circumvented…

Also, can you quote the loshon of the Ramban, Ran, and Netziv? I don’t currently have any access to them.

Asfor Rav Moshe’s teshuva, with all due respect he is a daat yachid.

Who exactly are this majority of Poskim that R’ Moshe is supposedly arguing with?

(Again, just because somebody mentions that participating in the wars of the State of Israel is a mitzva does not mean that the war itself has the status of Milchemes Mitzva.)

It is also very puzzling as Rabbi Akiva and his colleagues supported Bar Kochba.

Supporting a war is not the same thing as holding that that particular war has the halachic status of a Milchemes Mitzva. According to you, R’ Akiva should have instructed his talmidim to go fight under Bar Kochva.

But all this about whether or not there is a Milchemes Mitzva today is very much a side point. The gist of the issue, which you have not addressed, is:

So tell me, are there any Poskim that we would normally consider to be a Bar Plugta of the likes of R’ Kook, R’ Tzvi Pesach Frank, R’ Moshe, and the Tzitz Eliezer, that actully pasken that yeshiva bochrim should be drafted?